Product Overview
  Nitix Operating System
  File and Storage
  Management Services
  Networking Services
  Scalable Services Structure
  Security Services
  Nitix Add-Ons
  System Requirements
  Nitix for Sage Accpac ERP
  Nitix with IBM Lotus Domino
  Nitix-powered Servers
  Ready For Nitix Program
  Case Studies
  How To Buy

Securely connecting your central office to one or more branch offices

Nitix includes TunnelVision technology, a highly secure Virtual Private Network (VPN) system that can be configured in just a few seconds.

Using the Internet instead of expensive dedicated private lines, TunnelVision is a safe, easy, and inexpensive way to connect offices to each other. Data is protected in transit using highly secure 128-bit and 1024-bit encryption algorithms similar to those used in online banking.

TunnelVision makes it easier to use than any other VPN technology. Without needing any special configuration, it offers these features:

  • Auto-routing - there's no need to manually configure any special IP settings or firewall options for the different networks on the VPN. Nitix automatically learns which addresses are available from each VPN gateway, and sets up its routing and firewalls accordingly.

  • Mesh interconnection - each office has a direct connection to each other office, which is only activated when necessary. There's no need to route all requests through a central server if you don't want to.

  • Transparent encrypted connections - without needing to install any special software on your workstations, Tunnel Vision makes it seem like all the servers on all remote networks are directly connected. Browsing files in a distant office works exactly like browsing files on the local server.

Road warriors away from the office can connect their personal computer to the VPN using the Microsoft PPTP software built into Windows. Compatible software is also available for Macintosh and UNIX systems.

TunnelVision and RAS support are included in Nitix for no extra charge.


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